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Programs & Services

Hematology Department

At Phoenix Children’s Hospital, we know your child is more than a diagnosis. We provide care and services to not only treat your child’s blood disorder but also to address any educational, developmental or emotional issues that might arise as a result of your child’s condition or treatment. For instance, missing school or other childhood activities can affect your child’s development and sense of self. We can link you with resources or programs that can help meet all your child’s physical, social and psychological needs, and help support you and your family as well.

Our Programs

  • Bone Marrow Failure Program - Our team will diagnose and treat both acquired and congenital bone marrow disorders. We also work together to identify genetic or other causes of bone marrow failure syndromes and design innovative treatment plans for these disorders. Our team often works with specialists from the Ottosen Family Blood and Marrow Transplant program for children who need a bone marrow transplant.
  • Hemophilia & Thrombosis Program - Our center is the only federally funded hemostasis and thrombosis program in Phoenix. We are actively involved in research and clinical trials. Our focus on preventive care provides a higher quality of life for your child, now and into the future. Data has shown better outcomes for this patient population when followed at a Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center (HTC). We have a multidisciplinary team including social work, psychology, nutrition, research and physical therapy to ensure your child and family are equipped for the challenges a bleeding or clotting disorder can bring. 
  • Sickle Cell Program - Sickle cell is a lifelong, complex disease, and your child’s care requires a long-term, team approach. As part of our program, a doctor, nurse and social worker will be dedicated your child’s care, so you will always know where to go with questions. Our team also includes child life specialists, nutritionists, pain management specialists and therapists to help ensure the best quality of life for your child and family.
  • Thalassemia Program - Alpha- and beta-thalassemia are the two major types of this condition where bone marrow produces smaller and fewer red blood cells resulting in anemia. Thalassemia trait does not cause any medical problems but thalassemia major causes severe anemia. A child with thalassemia major will need life-long transfusion and treatment with iron chelation. Stem cell transplantation may be a treatment option as well. 
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