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Programs & Services

Ophthalmology Department

The ophthalmology team at Phoenix Children’s partners with many programs and services to enhance eye care for children. These include:

  • Complete eye exams: Our pediatric ophthalmologists are experts at diagnosing and treating amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (eye misalignments).
  • Diagnostic Testing: The ophthalmology team at Phoenix Children’s performs visual field testing for peripheral vision defects and optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging to identify problems deep within the retina or optic nerve. 
  • Diabetic eye exams: Diabetic eye disease is a complication of diabetes. We work in partnership with the endocrinology team at Phoenix Children’s to care for children at risk for diabetic eye disease. 
  • Craniofacial care: Conditions affecting the bones of the head and face (craniofacial) can cause injury to the eyes. The ophthalmology team at Phoenix Children’s works in partnership with our Craniosynostosis Clinic and Craniofacial Surgery Program to provide the very best in vision care to children dealing with craniofacial conditions.
  • Neurofibromatosis care: Neurofibromatosis is a condition that leads to the formation of tumors in the brain or on the spinal cord or nerves. Varying types of neurofibromatosis can lead to vision loss. The ophthalmology team at Phoenix Children’s partners with experts within our Barrow Neurological Institute to care for the vision needs of children with neurofibromatosis.
  • Strabismus exams/treatment for adults: Our ophthalmologists care for and treat new or long-standing adult strabismus (eye misalignments), including the prescription of prisms or eye muscle surgery.
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